How to make cooked Kitfo Ethiopian food | cooked Kitfo Recipe

 How to make cooked Kitfo Ethiopian food


Photo of Cooked Kitfo
Cooked Kitfo

Kitfo is a typical Ethiopian meal prepared from raw beef that has been minced and served with a spicy marinade rub and niter kibbeh, a type of clarified butter. It can also be prepared with cooked beef. It really is your choice.

This meal is thought to have originated with the Gurage people of Ethiopia's southern area, and it can now be found in Ethiopian restaurants all over the world. Kitfo, like other raw meat meals, can be made at home, but only by persons who have worked with raw meat before and have access to a high-quality butcher who can provide them with meat that is safe to consume raw.

If you are someone who doesn’t like raw meat(beef), then this recipe is a Kitfo safe to eat.


Ingredients needed to make Kitfo:

  • Two cups of water
  • 7 steak sized raw meat (beef)
  • 1/4 spoon of gridded Korerima (Correma)
  • 1/4 spoon of gridded Cardamom
  • Another one and a half tea spoon of Korerima (Correma)
  • Two tea spoon of Mitmita (chili powder)
  • Two tea spoon of Berbere (Ethiopian spicy ingredient)
  • Half tea spoon of salt
  • One and a half Qibe (butter)



Step 1: Turn on your stove and start boiling two cups of water in a cooking pot.

Step 2: Wait until the water starts making small bubbles.

Photo of Step 1 Kitfo Recipe

Step 3: Add about 7 steak sized raw meat (beef) into the pot.

Photo of Step 2 Kitfo Recipe

Step 4: Then add 1/4 spoon of gridded Korerima (Correma) and 1/4 spoon of gridded Cardamom. For substitute, you can only add half a spoon of Korerima (Correma).

Step 5: Wait until the water boils and foam is formed.

Photo of Step 3 Kitfo Recipe

Step 6: Start collecting the foam formed on the top and get rid of it.

Photo of Step 4 Kitfo Recipe

Step 7: Once the foam is disposed of the pot will look like this:

Photo of Step 5 Kitfo Recipe

Step 8: Then lower the heat range of the stove and let the meat (beef) be cooked for an hour or so.

Photo of Step 6 Kitfo Recipe

Step 9: Then turn off the stove and let it cool for 3-5 minutes. Next, pour one and a half cups of the liquid in the pot into a bowl.

Photo of Step 7 Kitfo Recipe

Step 10: Take out the meat in the pot and start chopping it into small pieces.

Photo of Step 8 Kitfo Recipe

Step 11: Add the chopped meat to the bowl and mix well. This is done so that the meat (beef) could absorb the flavor and aroma.

Photo of Step 9 Kitfo Recipe

Step 12: Wait 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, start heating a flat pan on your stove.

Photo of Step 10 Kitfo Recipe

Step 13: Then you can use a funnel filter mesh to withdraw the water from the meat to another bowl.

Photo of Step 11 Kitfo Recipe

Step 14: As soon as you are done with filtering immediately add the meat to the flat pan. This is because we don't want the meat to be dry as it is going to suck the butter (Qibe) down the road.

Photo of Step 12 Kitfo Recipe

Step 15: For a few minutes lower the heat and fry the meat.

Photo of Step 13 Kitfo Recipe

Step 16: Add one and a half tea spoon of korerima (Correma), two tea spoon of Mitmita (chili powder), two tea spoon of Berbere (Ethiopian spicy ingredient), and a half tea spoon of salt.

Photo of Step 14 Kitfo Recipe

Step 17: Then mix all the ingredients very well.

Photo of Step 15 Kitfo Recipe

Step 18: Add one and half Qibe (butter). And mix well. If you feel like the taste is lacking, then you can add a bit of salt, Korerima (Correma), Qibe (butter), and Mitmita (chili powder) again.

Photo of Step 16 Kitfo Recipe

Step 19: Fry it for a few minutes until the ingredients mix well and blend in with each other.

Photo of Step 17 Kitfo Recipe

Step 20: That is it. You have finished! Turn off the stove and start serving.


How do you serve Kitfo?

Photo of Step 18 Kitfo Recipe

Kitfo can be eaten with cooked green vegetables and a thick bread called "kocho" (outside of Ethiopia, "injera" bread is more common because it is simpler to come by). You eat a slice of meat with some cheese on a piece of bread. The cheese helps to cool down the chili's spiciness.



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